
Which sweeteners are safe vs. which sweeteners are toxic? Artificial Sweeteners and Toxic Side Effects
– Article by Dr Peter Osborne – Comments by Celine Healy
I have personally been lead to believe that a sweetener called Xylitol was calorie free as well as sugar free – which it probably is. However, the real issue is what happened when I blissfully spread this lovely tasting sugar everywhere…..

How stressed are you? Is it holding back your success?
– By Celine Healy
Karen overcame her stress and resolved it permanently when she undertook the course. Check out her video here: Being successful in any area of your life involves two aspects…..

Can Reducing Stress Increase Resilience and Energy?
-By Celine Healy
Stress damages your physiology and drains your energy! Stress keeps you stuck in a pattern of negative emotions. Negative emotions cause energy leaks….

What happens to your body when you don’t get enough sleep
Article By Kim Gillan | Presented by Rimmel London Apr 2nd, 2017 – Comments by Celine Healy
Theoretically, if you got enough sleep, the refreshing rejuvenating kind, then no other therapies would be needed as we mend and repair overnight. However, what has happened over a life time for an individual is that stress has been built…

Key wellbeing findings over five years
– Celine Healy comments on APS Report 2015 on Australian workers stress levels
This report has been undertaken every year for five years by the Australian Psychological society. Of particular interest to me as a stress resolution specialist, is that the combined levels of anxiety and depression…..

15 everyday habits that increase stress
– Celine Healy comments on article in The Active Times
In this article, The Active Times lists 15 items including: overwhelm, being a people pleaser, commuting to work, drinking coffee, eating unhealthy food, having a negative attitude, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, overthinking, overworking….

14 effects of stress on the body
– Celine Healy quoted in The Active Times
More than half of the population – 77 percent – experience regular physical symptoms caused by stress, statistics show. 33 percent feel like they are living with extreme stress and 48 percent feel their stress….

10 Signs You’re Under Too Much Stress
-By Matt Duczeminski – Comments by Celine Healy
Look. All of this list is exactly what I would write about the signs and symptoms of stress. In fact, these are my favourite ones to list. The important issue here is – how many lists do you need to read in order to confirm that you are stressed….

Stress affects the microbiome – the gut and bowel
– Comments by Celine Healy
Having personally been through this when I experienced going for stress to burnout, the impact of stress on your internal flora can be significant and disturb the natural village of good and bad bacteria in your gut…

5 lessons you learn from a job you hate
– Comments by Celine Healy on article by SEEK on Career advice- 14 February 2017
However. The major issue, for me is, if a person is stressed, how can they be resilient, find positives in the negatives, deal with feedback, have time for your hobbies or have a good work ethic……