I found this article to have lots of good advice. See below.

However. The major issue, for me is, if a person is stressed, how can they be resilient, find positives in the negatives, deal with feedback, have time for your hobbies or have a good work ethic.

When a person is stressed what they are primarily doing in the workplace is trying how best to survive in that place, which generally has become a hostile place for them to be. This is because the perceptions of the employee have become distorted.

A stressed person is not capable of learning about themselves, especially if they are all the time coming from a position of lack: lack of time to compete tasks, lack of support or lack of personal resources. If they also feel that the employer does not value their contribution or feels that the employer does not care about their mental wellbeing.

Resilience is invaluable

Ultimately, remember that nothing that’s worthwhile comes easy. But even in a dire work environment you can gain valuable lessons in perseverance, positivity, communication, focusing on your passions and the value of hard work.

To read the full article – See more at: https://www.seek.com.au/career-advice/5-lessons-you-learn-from-a-job-you-hate#sthash.pnga7BIp.dpuf

Celine Healy

Stress Resolution Expert Ph: 0408 646 887 info@stresstosuccess.com.au www.stresstosuccess.com.au To watch the RELEASE video please click on this link.