14 effects of stress on the body

14 effects of stress on the body

More than half of the population – 77 percent – experience regular physical symptoms caused by stress, statistics show. 33 percent feel like they are living with extreme stress and 48 percent feel their stress has increased over the past five years. The most common...
10 Signs You’re Under Too Much Stress

10 Signs You’re Under Too Much Stress

Look. All of this list is exactly what I would write about the signs and symptoms of stress. In fact, these are my favourite ones to list. The important issue here is – how many lists do you need to read in order to confirm that you are stressed? I think the majority...
Stress – The Physical Effects on Your Body

Stress – The Physical Effects on Your Body

As a species, we are constantly bombarded with stress triggers daily, from our work environment, our family life, our lack of resources, lack of money, lack of skills, lack of self-esteem, lack of self-worth, being criticised by our bosses or our partners, and so on....