Stress – The Physical Effects on Your Body

Stress – The Physical Effects on Your Body

As a species, we are constantly bombarded with stress triggers daily, from our work environment, our family life, our lack of resources, lack of money, lack of skills, lack of self-esteem, lack of self-worth, being criticised by our bosses or our partners, and so on....
Resolving stress permanently

Resolving stress permanently

You may well ask: how can you do that? Is that possible? Why haven’t I heard about this? The interesting thing about stress resolution v stress management is that when people are giving tips on how to keep your stress in check, i.e. manage it, they actually do talk...
Why you Can’t Just “Manage” Your Stress

Why you Can’t Just “Manage” Your Stress

It’s time to debunk the myth that stress is an inevitable part of life, and start resolving it for good, with the stress resolution expert. Business women and professionals alike have been living under the impression that stress and tension are inevitable and...
Can breathing help you resolve stress?

Can breathing help you resolve stress?

Stress resolution can be achieved with the right tools, tools that get to the real underlying issues that are the root cause of your stress. Unless and until you deal with these issues everything else you do is merely changing the band aid! The unfortunate thing is...
Brain Drain Hits Us All

Brain Drain Hits Us All

This article revolves around research that is contradictory to previous research on mental decline, those with brain issues such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. The original research indicated that higher levels of education was an indicator of a person’s ability to...