We can now access 100% of the brain!
– Interview with Anderson Cooper
Stephen Hawking credits his ability to function and maintain focus on such a high level to a certain set of smart drugs that enhance cognitive brain function and neural connectivity
Treating anxiety without medication
– By Harvard Medical School
If you suffer from anxiety, the constant, nagging feelings of worry can be troubling and hard to control. These feelings are usually intense and out of proportion to the actual troubles and dangers in your everyday life. They can make it hard to function at home
When to worry about worrying – Harvard Medical School
– By Harvard Medical School
There is no shortage of things to worry about — from personal concerns about job security or health, to fears related to larger issues such as political conflicts or natural disasters. Temporary anxiety can be a healthy response to uncertainty and danger
Harvard Researchers Say This is the Real Cause of Alzheimer’s – And It’s Preventable
– By Lee Euler Publisher of Brain Health Breakthrough
Harvard Researchers Say This is the Real Cause of Alzheimer’s – And It’s Preventable The Mitochondria Connection The scientists at Harvard focused on how the behavior of the brain’s mitochondria – the organelles in neurons that provide the cells with energy
Is The Paleo Diet Really Paleo?
– By Dr. Alan Glen Christianson -Naturopathic Endocrinologist
Have you heard of the paleo diet? Chances are you have, and today I want to dive a little bit into what makes up the paleo diet, and if it really is as “paleo” as you might have heard. Let’s look into the science, and uncover some facts – and dispel some myths
3 ways to harness positive psychology for a more resilient you – by Harvard Medical School
– By Harvard Medical School
Some intriguing research suggests that positive psychology can help you weather the routine ups and downs of life and also build resilience for times of greater difficulty. Here are three ways to capture the benefits of positive psychology
101 Ways to Less Stress – Booklet by The Global Organisation for Stress
What is stress? We’ve all heard of it but what does it mean? There’s a multitude of definitions but put simply, stress is your response to change – anything in your life that results in change causes you stress. How you respond to this change
Exercise: An effective prescription for joint pain
– By Harvard Health
Regular movement can help relieve ankle, knee, hip, or shoulder pain Joint pain can rob you of life’s simple pleasures — you may no longer look forward to walking your dog, gardening
Stress Tips Series for Stress Relief: How to Release Anger
– By Dr. Judy Hinwood
How to Stress Relief by Dr. Judy Hinwood
Take a look at this short video.
A HugeStorehouse of Body Stress – The Psoas – Storing Stress From Birth!
– By DR John Hinwood – Stress Management Institute
A few months after opening our first Chiropractic practice on returning to Australia in 1979 we received a phone call from a very distressed patient. This was a behaviour that was totally foreign for this man who was normally a very fun loving person