Dr Kelly McGonigal has espoused various theories re stress and has asked us to look at stress in a new way – by changing our perceptions of stress as not being “bad” but as a “good thing”, something that helps us move forward. The trouble with that view, and it appears to be a possible solution for enlightened person who are able to take control over their lives, change their perceptions and instigate enormous amounts of willower in order to overcome stress and turn it from bad to good, is the entire point of people undergoing deep stress issues is that they are unable to do these things because their body/mind has been overwhelmed by stress and they are incapable of making proper decisions.

Theoretically, using your mind and changing your beliefs can work for the 3%  of achievers who can do anything. What about the other 97% – the general population? If you try to overcome deeply held stress with your conscious mind you will be fighting an uphill battle. Have a look at Dr Bruce Lipton’s work on changing your brain and overcoming stress. He says that you need to deprogram and reprogram your subconscious mind in order to make lasting changes and not your conscious mind because it require too much willpower. And, Because the subconscious mind is thousands of times more powerful than the conscious mind, for the general population these theories will simply not work.

There are easier ways to resolve your stress permanently.

To read about this topic see the article here:


Celine Healy

Stress Resolution Expert Ph: 0408 646 887 info@stresstosuccess.com.au www.stresstosuccess.com.au To watch the RELEASE video please click on this link.