Personal Coaching

For those individuals who would prefer the personal touch and who feel
they would benefit most from this approach, then please complete the
contact information below to request a personal call.

The benefits of personal coaching:

  • Work on what you would prefer
  • Defined actions steps to take weekly
  • Improved career/workplace performance
  • Feeling better and more focused
  • Increase your resilience to stress
  • Overcome fatigue and exhaustion
  • Learn better coping methods to achieve goals
  • Accountability and responsibility and follow-up

As a Bonus:

In addition to the initial 4 x Personal Sessions, you will receive:    
The entire DIY Program + The Bonuses, together with all of the PDF’s

and weekly videos + weekly exercises to complete.

These will enhance your individual sessions. (See the Value of the
DIY Package included as a Bonus for you below)

$What you also get with the 4 x Personal Coaching Session includes the entire DIY Online Course + Bonuses:

The Total Value of this Package is:

The 37 Day Stress Resolution Solution includes 14 Videos: 1400
  –  6 Videos for each week of the 6-week program
  –  6 Separate Videos of the weekly techniques to follow
A Theory Booklet PDF to understand the scientific background 30
A Work Booklet PDF to record your daily and weekly positions and improvements 30
Email support for the duration of the course 360
A Special Bonus Week 7 Video – which will show you a way forward 100
PDF Booklet on Mental Health & Wellbeing 20
A Copy of The Model of Welness 20
3 Months email support after the course has been completed 320
Total Value of DIY Online Course: $2,284
Today total Investment is: $1,697

To enquire or book for this combined DIY Course + 4 Personal Coaching Sessions please complete The Contact
 information below and head your message with: Personal Coaching