Group/Team Coaching & Training


The productivity and profitability of any organisation is dependent upon its’ leaders,
and the staff they attract to that organisation.

Stress is rampant throughout the corporate world, yet sometimes leaders tend not
to single that out for resolution. The individualised programs that Celine offers to
Corporates and Organisations will help you and your Staff:


  • Have an increased sense of well-being
  • Feel a sense that their employer cares about their well-being and hence will contribute more
  • Have greater awareness, clarity, and focus thus contributing to the bottom line
  • Will increase productivity which directly leads to improved efficiency, and hence profitability
  • Have a happier work force and hence reduce staff turnover

What to expect from Celine’s Coaching/Training?


While people spend years and huge dollars doing all sorts of
courses and seminars on stress management, time management
goal setting and success courses, without success, this system

It works because the technology has been scientifically researched,
tested and proven over a long period of time with world-wide results
which include:

  • Decreasing depression by 60% 
  • Decreasing fatigue by 50%
  • Decreasing anxiety by 46%, and
    many, many more benefits.


60% Decrease in Depression


30% Improvement in Sleep


46% Decrease in Anxiety


50% Decrease in Fatigue

Get Exclusive Access to Celine’s Breakthrough Methods and

Transform Your Organisation’s Life in a Heartbeat


Enter your details in the contact form for a Copy of the FREE Report for
Corporates and Organisations and discover what options are available for
helping you and your staff achieve a happy, productive and efficient place
to work, helping your organisation reduce costs including staff turnover
costs, as well as helping you increase your bottom line!

If you would like to have Celine contact you about any group trainings please enter your details here: