Online DIY Course – 6 Week Stress Resolution

Want to increase your energy and overall wellness?
Looking for consistent, predictable results in every area of your life?
Wondering why some people seem to increase their energy, wellness,
and success easily but not you?

Get Ready and Achieve Your Goals!

Here is How You Can Achieve The Increased Energy,
Overall Wellness and Success You Desire and With
Proven Results…. All In 37 Days!

Instant Lifetime Access – PLUS 3 Awesome Bonuses

Instead of Paying $2,280.00

Pay ONLY $297.00 Total!

This includes all of this + the additional bonuses

Email support for the duration of the course360

The Total Value of this Package is:

The 37 Day Stress Resolution Solution includes 14 Videos: 1400
  –  6 Separate Videos of the weekly techniques to follow
A Theory Booklet PDF to understand the scientific background 30
A Work Booklet PDF to record your daily and weekly positions and improvements 30
A Special Bonus Week 7 Video – which will show you a way forward 100
PDF Booklet on Mental Health & Wellbeing 20
A Copy of The Model of Welness 20
3 Months email support after the course has been completed 320
Total Value: 2,280


But today I am only paying:   $297

I’m Celine Healy, Wellness & Stress Resolution Specialist, Author,
Speaker, Trainer and Coach, CEO and Founder of Stress to Success,
Celine Healy Consulting and Wellness That Works.
These entities all deal with helping: individuals and
organisations get to wellness, one step at a time.

If you want to increase Your Energy and Overall Wellness and
See Your Goals and Dreams Become Reality.
it’s time to take control of your direction.
At the base of ALL dis-ease/lack of success, is stress, lack of energy
and lack of willpower.
Increasing success requires taking action and instigating new habits.

This easy to follow online course sets you up for everything you need
to get started today and instigate those new success habits.
You will also receive software and hardware that helps you measure
your current state, then helps you monitor your position as you go,
and this then guides you to make small adjustments, so that you
can change and improve.

You will also receive the course via email each week so that you can
maintain momentum for ease of success.

Imagine what it would feel like to have energy
to burn, feel really well

and have the time to do what you need to

Imagine being the success you have dreamed

Imagine being able to achieve the goals you
have always desired?


If You Feel You’ve Wasted Enough Time Being Stuck…

Here is Your Opportunity to Create Change…

  • Discover how to stop the most commonly practiced behaviour which causes you to create major obstacles in your health and energy
  • Determine your Stress Triggers and Gain More Time to Complete Tasks
  • Define how you want to live your life from here on in… and turn it into exactly the life you want!
  • Understand what is stopping you from setting and achieving goals and be able to take action on them
  • Decide your desired outcomes and achieve them!
  • Learn to apply the Most Powerful Principles to Increasing Energy, Overall Wellness and Success every day, in every action you take

Gain Focus & Build Your Awareness

  • At one time in our lives we all had dreams and desires
  • Yet for many of us those dreams have fallen by the wayside due to the bad habits we practice and the routines and pressures of daily life, financial pressures and external family and relationship pressures
  • Most people are too frustrated and too exhausted and they have lost the energy, the drive, and the willpower to achieve what they desire
  • Set and Achieve Your Goals of Increased Energy, Overall Wellness and Success all within 37 Days – this is about helping people uncover and restore their energy and their health, and overcome the stress in their lives, so their vision of a better future can be a reality, by providing the tools, techniques and motivation to make those things happen
  • You will learn new ways to harness the magnificent power within you to create success without limits, because you will have resolved the lack of energy problem

Tony Robbins says: “Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we
can immediately 
command when we focus ALL of our resources on mastering
a single area of our lives”.

Here is your Opportunity to Set and Achieve Your Goals
of Increased Energy, Overall Wellness and Success Now!



Huge Amounts of Energy and More Time – Highly Recommended!

‘I was run ragged trying to do everything in my business. I’d become a control freak.
I was exhausted, spending too much time on my business and away from my family,
and even after all that effort my business had stagnated. Then I found Celine’s program.
Boy was I surprised! I am now smiling all of the time. I have huge amounts of energy
and my business is booming. I am not spending anywhere near the amount of time
I was in the office and I now have a hobby and am back at the gym.
I highly recommend this program!’ Susan H. Business Owner, Retail Clothing


You will be a changed person!

‘I was really stressed out. I felt I was losing control over my job. It became harder
to be on top of things because I was so exhausted and I began making mistakes.
I was burning the candle at both ends and partying hard on the weekends.
I couldn’t sleep, had no time for the gym and was eating really crappy food.
My mood changed and I was grumpy and short tempered. Then a client
recommended Celine’s program. She said she had amazing results in
a very short time. I have tried this and I know it works! I now have lifetime
tools to resolve any stress issue. I am a better version of me.
If you do nothing else this year, call Celine and put yourself in her hands
so that she can weave her magic for you. You will be a changed person.’
Jodie P. HR & Recruitment Consultant


I now feel really successful!

‘When I met Celine, I was in crisis and at a cross-road. I was constantly tired.
I couldn’t concentrate. I was taking longer and longer to complete tasks.
I really felt I was losing it big time. With Celine’s help I overcame that!
I now feel really successful! I feel happy. I am back in control.
I am making terrific progress and have regained my normal happy mood
and disposition. The progress was so noticeable my boss asked me what I was on.
The boss now wants to have all of his executive team complete this work.
I highly recommend you contact Celine immediately and see how her programs
can be of benefit to you!’  Karen T. Executive, Financial Services Industry


Have more focus!

‘I recently completed the 37 Day Stress Resolution Solution in our corporate group.
When I started the course, I was tired all of the time, had low back pain, headaches,
I felt drained, worried and had difficulty staying on tasks. My goal was to feel
energised and have reduced pain and be more focused and to stay on task.
I am happy to say that I did achieve these things, and I am also sleeping better
and coping with stress and am “rolling with the punches” and not getting upset
easily I am more alert and not so reactive and have more focus.’  Fiona C.  NSW, Australia


I am more energised

‘I first heard Celine speak about Stress Resolution and thought that I would
engage her for our organisation to help our staff overcome the stress they
indicated they had especially due to the new structural changes that had been
instigated. I was anxious and had a lot of tension in my neck and shoulder area
and was pretty much fatigued. I am now feeling relaxed and the neck and shoulder
pain and tension has been reduced. I am feeling more energised.
I am not allowing myself to get overwhelmed. I was surprised at what I had
accomplished in such a short amount of time. ‘   David P, NSW, Australia


I am feeling more connected and in control!

‘I presented with stiff neck and felt drained. After doing the course for 6 weeks
I now feel more energised, less reactive and more connected.
I am feeling more in control and feel happier than I have for a long time.’  Kim N, NSW, Australia


Discover the Most Powerful Tool There is
For Increasing Energy

See What it Takes to Succeed Effortlessly and How You Can
Apply These Techniques Daily

The 6 Week DIY Online Stress Resolution Solution Includes:


This whole program is about helping you get into FLOW, that state where everything
comes to you easily and effortlessly. Along the way, in fact, within the first week
you will have gained more energy, be feeling better and for some, sleeping better.

You will be more focused and be more present. And that is where we need you to be –
In the present. This is your most powerful position where you are back in control. When

You have control you have choice. Choice brings freedom.

While you are waiting for your software and hardware to arrive you can
listen to the Overview Video, which outlines the program, the tools and techniques for those
who like to get the overview and know what lies ahead. There will be PDF’s to download –
a Theory Booklet, a Workbook, The Model of Wellness to gain an understanding of the
philosophy of the program, and time to receive the software and hardware necessary to
help you measure, monitor and then make small adjustments to change or improve.

  • Read through these times to gain an overview of what lies ahead each week.
  • Practice the initial technique.
  • Complete the initial Survey in order to assess your overall current state of wellness.

You will be assessing your improvement each week so there is no guesswork as the
equipment will give you a visual representation of how you are doing and you can then
Make small adjustments to change or improve.


Week 1:   Increase energy
Videos of the theory and an understanding of the work for this first
Week. Do the specific exercise. Every week building on these initial steps.
Measure your current position and take a record.

Week 2:   Be more focused     
Videos of the theory and an understanding of the work for this second
Week. Do the specific exercise. Measure your current position and take a record.
Do the required reading and answer the questions required for completion of
that second week.

Week 3:   Gain more Clarity
Videos of the theory and an understanding of the work for this third
Week. Do the specific exercise, making sure you are building on the technique
each week. Measure your current position and take a record.
Do the required reading and answer the questions required for completion of
that third week.

Week 4:  Feel better overall
Videos of the theory and an understanding of the work for this fourth
Week. Do the specific exercise. Measure your current position and take a record.
Do the required reading and answer the questions required for completion of
that fourth week.

Week 5:  Feel more present   
Videos of the theory and an understanding of the work for this fifth
Week. Do the specific exercise. Measure your current position and take a record.
Do the required reading and answer the questions required for completion of
that fifth week.

Week 6:  Make better decisions
Videos of the theory and an understanding of the work for this week.
Do the specific exercise. Measure your current position and take a record.
Do the required reading and answer the questions required for completion of
that second week. Make sure your Work Book is up-to-date.
Complete the second part of the survey in order to assess your
Overall wellness. Complete the Comparison Sheet to assess
Your success within the 6-week program.

Week 7:  How to increase vibration – a way forward
Will be a bonus week where we look forward to assess
where you want to be and what you can do about this.

What to Expect from The DIY 37 Day Stress


Resolution Online Course


While people spend years and huge dollars doing all sorts of
courses and seminars on stress management, time management
goal setting and success courses, without success, this system

It works because the technology has been scientifically researched,
tested and proven over a long period of time with world-wide results
which include:

  • Decreasing depression by 60% 
  • Decreasing fatigue by 50%
  • Decreasing anxiety by 46%, and
    many, many more benefits.


60% Decrease in Depression


50% Decrease in Fatigue


46% Decrease in Anxiety

Increase Energy
Doing these simple exercises will guarantee you increase energy by the end of the first week.


Achieve Overall Wellness
Learn the primary reason people fail to achieve their goals and ways to ensure you don’t make the same mistake – the simplest way to approach this.


Feel More Successful
When you do the exercises on a consistent basis and regularly you will gain peace of mind and be more present and hence be able to make better decisions.


Gain More Time to Complete Tasks
By doing these simple exercises you will reset your baseline resilience to stress and change how you respond to stress forever. This increase relaxation and therefore helps you slow down your response to stress triggers.


Be Back in Control of Your Work/Life Balance
When you feel out of control you are scattered and cannot communicate as effectively as you need to. These exercises will give you improved focus, clarity and effectiveness in everything you do.


Using Scientifically Researched Tools and Techniques Provides
You With a Way to Measure, Monitor and Record success!

When wanting to try a new course you, as a professional career person need to know that what you will be doing works and works well. Using this scientifically researched, tested and proven methodology guarantees your success.

Access Your Stress Resolution Solution
DIY ONLINE Course Anytime!

You’ll receive your Personal Access Link and Can Start Immediately.
You will also receive emails with the links to videos and PDF’s for
reminder and easy access.


Plus, You’ll Also Receive This Incredible Bonus Package:



Bonus #1:

Week 7 Bonus Video – showing you the way forward and what you need to do to keep on track


Bonus #2:

PDF Booklet on Mental Health and what to look out for and how to overcome these issues. And The From Stress to Success Model of Wellness PDF Booklet


Bonus #3:

3 Months Email Support

Not only will you have the email support during the course but also for 3 months

after the course so that we make sure you are on track and have learned the

exercises and are practicing them daily and effectively.

Set your goals and you’ll achieve Success.


All This for $2,280 – SPECIAL OFFER NOW


ONLY $297


The Complete Course – The 6 Week DIY Online Stress Resolution Solution

The Total Value of this Package is:

The 37 Day Stress Resolution Solution includes 14 Videos: 1400
  –  6 Videos for each week of the 6-week program
  –  6 Separate Videos of the weekly techniques to follow
A Theory Booklet PDF to understand the scientific background 30
A Work Booklet PDF to record your daily and weekly positions and improvements 30
Email support for the duration of the course 360
A Special Bonus Week 7 Video – which will show you a way forward 100
PDF Booklet on Mental Health & Wellbeing 20
A Copy of The Model of Welness 20
3 Months email support after the course has been completed 320
Total Value: $2,280


But today I am only paying:   $297