Rationale for The “From Stress to Success Model”
A. What are Celine’s Stress Resolution programs all about? What is the overview?
STRESS RESOLUTION Programs help you repair your physiology, increase your energy, identify and then help you release the underlying issues that are the “real” cause your stress. As well, we help you retrain your automatic stress response mechanism, mend your automatic nervous system and heal your heart. This helps you move towards total awareness which is being in a state of true success and getting your life back in FLOW so you can avoid falling back into repetitive, negative behaviours which are often made worse by the pressures of your work life.
THE KEY to overall happiness and success in any area of your life is by repairing your physiology and increasing your energy, as it has been found that these two aspects are intrinsically tied to those positive values.
Here is how you will go from STRESS TO SUCCESS in FIVE STEPS!
- Begin with a REPAIR of your autonomic nervous system that heals your heart and REPAIRS your physiology so you respond to stressful events in a more positive way.
- Then RELEASE the major underlying issues affecting your failure / success mechanisms with personal coaching.
- RENEW your cellular activity and change your body / mind to a permanent positive vibration with daily action techniques.
- RECREATE who you are at the deepest level, knowing your innate characteristics and how they give you a clear sense of knowing and direction.
- RECLAIM your birthright for success on every level. You’ll be truly clear about who you are and what you really want – living a life in FLOW.
STRESS RESOLUTION brings you three main benefits:
- Increased energy from the moment you wake until the moment you sleep
- The feeling of having MORE TIME in your day
- A sense of CONTROL in what happens around you and to you.
B. What is the From Stress to Success Model? Give a more detailed overview of the model and the steps?
“The From Stress to Success Model” is a step-by-step approach to gaining health and wellness on a deep and permanent level. It is about gaining control over all aspects of your life, one and for all. It is about obtaining more energy and stopping the energy leaks and increasing your resilience to stress, on any level.
My hypotheses for this model of wellness is: when you repair your physiology first your body/mind will start to heal permanently and the benefits emotionally, mentally and spiritually will easily follow.
We do steps in a specific order because any great change in life is taken one step at a time so that your body/mind will be able to process the changes effectively and then be able to assimilate them more easily. In effect, you are gaining mastery over your life, a little at a time. In this way you will be more easily able to feel and measure your success. If all of the steps were taken together you would not be able to appreciate how far you have come and what you are capable of and the results might not integrate as effectively.
Just one step at a time in your own time!
The major point about taking one step at a time is to help you secure permanent stress resolution and move to true success. Most success programs fail because they do not recognize that in order to achieve ay goal or desire your need to fix yourself first. The model of wellness is the quickest and best way to true success, by concentrating on one thing sat a time and solving that first and then moving ahead. You will need to spend a minimum time of approximately 9 months up to 2 years to resolve deep-seated beliefs and patterns of negative behavior. It all takes time. However, there will be wins along the way.
The model is broken up into separate and individual steps. So, what we do is complete the first step, then do the second step and so on. We take skills learned in the first step and keep on applying these throughout the second step and the third step and so on, thus building a very strong foundation for permanent change.
There are five steps to this approach are broken into a set of days for completion or mastery:
- REPAIR – The 37 Day Stress Resolution Solution – where you repair your physiology so that your stress response mechanism is under control and you can choose whether or not you want to, or need to, respond in a stressful situation. When you are stressed you are out of control, you lose time and you have little energy or focus for your personal life or indeed, your business life. This step involves you gaining life-time skills and teaches you how to self-regulate how you will respond to stress.
- RELEASE – The 28 Day Gaining Success Habits Solution – where we release the underlying negative beliefs, patterns of behaviour, negative thoughts and emotions that are the “real” underlying cause of your stress, which you keep repeating, and which you seem to have no control over. Having achieved a sense of control over your body/mind in step 1, REPAIR, an increase in energy and resilience to stress, you are then able to self-regulate how, when,or if, you will respond in a stressful situation. The next step to gaining permanent overall wellness is to release those things/emotions/events, that set off the stress triggers, over which you do not appear to have any control. It is as though some “other you” takes over, and you keep repeating negative patterns of behaviour. Once these are released you will have even more control over your emotional and mental states, easily and effortlessly.
- RENEW – The 90 Day Total Body/Mind Overhaul – (the length of time for this section depends on how unwell you have been and what needs to be mended – it could take anywhere between 90 days to 365 days) – this next step is a maintenance step, helping to move to and maintain a higher vibration. Having done the work required to feel better emotionally, mentally and spiritually, increased your resilience to stress and released hidden underlying cause of your stress, it is now time to maintain those successes.
- RECREATE – The 21 Day Identity Clarification Process – having completed steps 1-3 above with your stress response mechanism under control, your hidden underlying issues permanently released and your body/mind incorporating new and renewed wellness systems to keep you on-track for life, this step is about getting to the real core of who you are at a deep level, your true identity. This means understanding your individual traits, what you are good at and what you need to be doing in order to live and authentic life so that you can make the contribution you are here to make and to dothe type of meaningful work that will satisfy you on a deep level.
- RECLAIM – The 31 Day Goal Setting Challenge – having mended your body/mind and released those hidden underlying issues that are the “real” cause of your stress, having instigated wellness systems that keep you at a higher vibration, a higher level of wellness, and then having discovered your true identity at a deep level, you are only now ready to ask and receive, and expect to get or achieve, those thigs that you have desired but which have escaped you until now. This is where you reclaim your birthright to a happier and more joyful life, permanently. When done in order you will achieve greater health and well-being than you have ever done so before.
C. Why was the From Stress to Success Model developed? What made you feel that this approach would work?
Having done what seems like a zillion courses, webinars, seminars and attended all kinds of events, and having come away from these courses enthusiastic and motivated, I found that within a very short space of time anything that I learnt faded pretty quickly, especially when the processes involved utilising large amounts of willpower. I felt a failure and continued to feel that way when I did not achieve the stated results.
I also learned that “stress” is the basis of all problems, issues, negative behaviour patterns and, lack of success. So, if these other courses did not address “stress” in any form, then they were doomed a failure for participants.
I discovered that in order to make a permanent change you needed to address issues at a subconscious level, rather than by using willpower, which takes conscious effort.
Unless and until you address these stress issues – which by the way, underlie everything you try to achieve; unless you resolve these, you will continue to repeat negative patterns of behaviour and have negative thoughts and emotions, forever, and you will continue to fail and not achieve the success you truly desire.
I am a compulsive learner and have done so many courses trying to find “the answer” to one of life’s mysteries: how to be truly successful permanently, without having to keep trying course after course after course and not getting lasting benefits. I have since found out that approximately 97% of all so-called “success courses” do not help the participants achieve lasting results. This is an appalling number and having experienced that for myself, I decided to research tools and techniques so that clients would have permanent and lasting results. So, this model of wellness if the result of that research and discovery.
It incorporates every step you need to take in order to be successful and it will give you life-time skills for stress resolution, and at the same time, help you become more present and aware of what you are doing and when you do things so that you can gain back control over these things and then have the ability to self-regulate how you respond to stress. YOU gain back control, increase your energy, gain more focus, sleep better, feel more successful, know who you are at a deep level and what you might want to do and where you might like to be.
D. Will this model of wellness work for me?
The key to any model of wellness is that it needs to be based on scientific research and the results need to have been proven so that clients can know they are getting a service that is guaranteed to work for them.
The basis of my model of wellness: The From Stress to Success Model is that the first step – the most important step in any program – is based on scientific methodology and the results have been proven over 5 million times in over 100 countries round the world. For me, as a Success Coach, the number one pre-requisite is that the methodology can stand up under scientific scrutiny.It does! There is no guess-work as to how stressed you are and what results you are achieving. At every stage we help you measure, monitor and change and improve your results to be totally back in control over ANY stressful situation.
YOU need to heal your body/mind first and gain this success first before you move onto other steps!
It works! It simply works! And you too can benefit easily.
- What visible and measurable results can I expect to gain?
People who use this program, the REPAIR program, see dramatic improvements in overall wellbeing. The stories are of success and transformation.
The improvements below, in mental and emotional well-being in over 5,500 people world-wide in just 6-9 weeks include:
- A 15% increase in positive outlook
- A 20% increase in feeling tranquil and peaceful
- A 24% increase in focus
- A 25%mprovement in listening ability
- A 30% improvement in sleep
- A 46% decrease in anxiety
- A 50% decrease in fatigue, and
- A 60% decrease in depression.
Of course, your individual improvements could be different, or even better!
F. What is the difference between what you are offering and what others offer?
I discovered that in order to resolve stress permanently, you need to deal with repairing your physiology AND releasing the underlying issues which cause your stress. So, this means that we implement tools and techniques that get to the part of the mind that runs your automatic programs such as: digestion. elimination, breathing, muscle movement and so on. When we can retrain this aspect of that part of your body/mind then you can retrain other parts as well. Only in this way will you be able to gain back control over how you respond to stress and to your overall success.
What I offer is permanent stress resolution as opposed to stress management. Permanent stress resolution is about you being able to self-regulate how you respond to stress such that stress will no longer be an issue for you. This does not mean that you will not be subjected to any stressful events. It means you will be able to “choose” whether or not you can be bothered responding to that event or not. Now that is real control when you have choice. Whereas, stress management means that you want to keep the stress you have and massage it and keep it hanging around you. Whereas, what I offer is helping you resolve it once and for all and getting rid of it permanently!
G. Is this a success course?
No. This is not a “success” course. It is a series coaching/training steps which include proven tools and techniques designed to give you lasting, permanent success at each level, so that overall, you will become the success you truly desire.
H. How are the steps delivered?
At present the first two steps are delivered as individual, personal sessions via Skype. The number of sessions for each step varies.
Eventually these two steps will be available in a downloadable format so that more people who need these services will be catered for, especially for the many and differing world time zones.
The last three steps will be delivered via a digital format within a private members group, with the opportunity to do individual personal sessions, if required. These last three steps can also be delivered via a seminar format.
I. Will I see results easily? How soon will I see results?
Yes. Definitely, within the first week. This will happen because you will receive
A Hand-Held Stress Monitoring Device which you will use to help you keep track of how stressed you are and it will also record your improvements as you do the practice required. One of the first benefits that people notice first is that their energy will have increased and they will be sleeping better.
J. Why are the first two steps of your model only offeredat present?
The first two steps- REPAIR and RELEASE are crucial to increasing energy and mending your physiology and therefore these need to be delivered differently. It is also imperative that people complete the steps in order. The other three steps: RENEW, RECREATE and RECLAIM can be delivered in a seminar format or group training. When the time is right these will be offered publicly.
A. What are Celine’s Stress Resolution programs all about? What is the overview?
STRESS RESOLUTION Programs help you repair your physiology, increase your energy, identify and then help you release the underlying issues that are the “real” cause your stress. As well, we help you retrain your automatic stress response mechanism, mend your automatic nervous system and heal your heart. This helps you move towards total awareness which is being in a state of true success and getting your life back in FLOW so you can avoid falling back into repetitive, negative behaviours which are often made worse by the pressures of your work life.
THE KEY to overall happiness and success in any area of your life is by repairing your physiology and increasing your energy, as it has been found that these two aspects are intrinsically tied to those positive values.
Here is how you will go from STRESS TO SUCCESS in FIVE STEPS!
- Begin with a REPAIR of your autonomic nervous system that heals your heart and REPAIRS your physiology so you respond to stressful events in a more positive way.
- Then RELEASE the major underlying issues affecting your failure / success mechanisms with personal coaching.
- RENEW your cellular activity and change your body / mind to a permanent positive vibration with daily action techniques.

- 4. RECREATE who you are at the deepest level, knowing your innate characteristics and how they give you a clear sense of knowing and direction.
- 5. RECLAIM your birthright for success on every level. You’ll be truly clear about who you are and what you really want – living a life in FLOW.
STRESS RESOLUTION brings you three main benefits:
- Increased energy from the moment you wake until the moment you sleep
- The feeling of having MORE TIME in your day
- A sense of CONTROL in what happens around you and to you.
B. What is the From Stress to Success Model? Give a more detailed overview of the model and the steps?
“The From Stress to Success Model” is a step-by-step approach to gaining health and wellness on a deep and permanent level. It is about gaining control over all aspects of your life, once and for all. It is about obtaining more energy and stopping the energy leaks and increasing your resilience to stress, on any level.
My hypotheses for this model of wellness is: when you repair your physiology first your body/mind will start to heal permanently and the benefits emotionally, mentally and spiritually will easily follow.
We do steps in a specific order because any great change in life is taken one step at a time so that your body/mind will be able to process the changes effectively and then be able to assimilate them more easily. In effect, you are gaining mastery over your life, a little at a time. In this way you will be more easily able to feel and measure your success. If all of the steps were taken together you would not be able to appreciate how far you have come and what you are capable of and the results might not integrate as effectively.
Just one step at a time in your own time!
The major point about taking one step at a time is to help you secure permanent stress resolution and move to true success. Most success programs fail because they do not recognize that in order to achieve any goal or desire your need to fix yourself first. The model of wellness is the quickest and best way to true success, by concentrating on one thing at a time and solving that first and then moving ahead. You will need to spend a minimum time of approximately 9 months up to 2 years to resolve deep-seated beliefs and patterns of negative behavior. It all takes time. However, there will be wins along the way.
The model is broken up into separate and individual steps. So, what we do is complete the first step, then do the second step and so on. We take skills learned in the first step and keep on applying these throughout the second step and the third step and so on, thus building a very strong foundation for permanent change.
There are five steps to this approach and these are broken up into a set of days for completion or mastery:
- REPAIR – The 37 Day Stress Resolution Solution – where you repair your physiology so that your stress response mechanism is under control and you can choose whether or not you want to, or need to, respond in a stressful situation. When you are stressed you are out of control, you lose time and you have little energy or focus for your personal life or indeed, your business life. This step involves you gaining life-time skills and teaches you how to self-regulate how you will respond to stress.
- RELEASE – The 28 Day Gaining Success Habits Solution – where we release the underlying negative beliefs, patterns of behaviour, negative thoughts and emotions that are the “real” underlying cause of your stress, which you keep repeating, and which you seem to have no control over. Having achieved a sense of control over your body/mind in step 1, REPAIR, an increase in energy and resilience to stress, you are then able to self-regulate how, when,or if, you will respond in a stressful situation. The next step to gaining permanent overall wellness is to release those things/emotions/events, that set off the stress triggers, over which you do not appear to have any control. It is as though some “other you” takes over, and you keep repeating negative patterns of behaviour. Once these are released you will have even more control over your emotional and mental states, easily and effortlessly.
- RENEW – The 90 Day Total Body/Mind Overhaul – (the length of time for this section depends on how unwell you have been and what needs to be mended – it could take anywhere between 90 days to 365 days) – this next step is a maintenance step, helping to move to and maintain a higher vibration. Having done the work required to feel better emotionally, mentally and spiritually, increased your resilience to stress and released hidden underlying cause of your stress, it is now time to maintain those successes.
- RECREATE – The 21 Day Identity Clarification Process – having completed steps 1-3 above with your stress response mechanism under control, your hidden underlying issues permanently released and your body/mind incorporating new and renewed wellness systems to keep you on-track for life, this step is about getting to the real core of who you are at a deep level, your true identity. This means understanding your individual traits, what you are good at and what you need to be doing in order to live an authentic life so that you can make the contribution you are here to make and to do the type of meaningful work that will satisfy you on a deep level.
- RECLAIM – The 31 Day Goal Setting Challenge – having mended your body/mind and released those hidden underlying issues that are the “real” cause of your stress, having instigated wellness systems that keep you at a higher vibration, a higher level of wellness, and then having discovered your true identity at a deep level, you are only now ready to ask and receive, and expect to get or achieve, those things that you have desired but which have escaped you until now. This is where you reclaim your birthright to a happier and more joyful life, permanently. When done in order you will achieve greater health and well-being than you have ever done so before.
C. Why was the From Stress to Success Model developed? What made you feel that this approach would work?
Having done what seems like a zillion courses, webinars, seminars and attended all kinds of events, and having come away from these courses enthusiastic and motivated, I found that within a very short space of time anything that I learnt faded pretty quickly, especially when the processes involved utilising large amounts of willpower. I felt a failure and continued to feel that way when I did not achieve the stated results.
I also learned that “stress” is the basis of all problems, issues, negative behaviour patterns and, lack of success. So, if these other courses did not address “stress” in any form, then they were doomed a failure for participants.
I discovered that in order to make a permanent change you needed to address issues at a subconscious level, rather than by using willpower, which takes conscious effort.
Unless and until you address these stress issues – which by the way, underlie everything you try to achieve; unless you resolve these, you will continue to repeat negative patterns of behaviour and have negative thoughts and emotions, forever, and you will continue to fail and not achieve the success you truly desire.
I am a compulsive learner and have done so many courses trying to find “the answer” to one of life’s mysteries: how to be truly successful permanently, without having to keep trying course after course after course and not getting lasting benefits. I have since found out that approximately 97% of all so-called “success courses” do not help the participants achieve lasting results. This is an appalling number and having experienced that for myself, I decided to research tools and techniques so that clients would have permanent and lasting results. So, this model of wellness if the result of that research and discovery.
It incorporates every step you need to take in order to be successful and it will give you life-time skills for stress resolution, and at the same time, help you become more present and aware of what you are doing and when you do things so that you can gain back control over these things and then have the ability to self-regulate how you respond to stress. YOU gain back control, increase your energy, gain more focus, sleep better, feel more successful, know who you are at a deep level and what you might want to do and where you might like to be.
D. Will this model of wellness work for me?
The key to any model of wellness is that it needs to be based on scientific research and the results need to have been proven so that clients can know they are getting a service that is guaranteed to work for them.
The basis of my model of wellness: The From Stress to Success Model is that the first step – the most important step in any program – is based on scientific methodology and the results have been proven over 5 million times in over 100 countries round the world. For me, as a Success Coach, the number one pre-requisite is that the methodology can stand up under scientific scrutiny.It does! There is no guess-work as to how stressed you are and what results you are achieving. At every stage we help you measure, monitor and change and improve your results to be totally back in control over ANY stressful situation.
YOU need to heal your body/mind first and gain this success first before you move onto other steps!
It works! It simply works! And you too can benefit easily.
- What visible and measurable results can I expect to gain?
People who use this program, the REPAIR program, see dramatic improvements in overall wellbeing. The stories are of success and transformation.
The improvements below, in mental and emotional well-being in over 5,500 people world-wide in just 6-9 weeks include:
- A 15% increase in positive outlook
- A 20% increase in feeling tranquil and peaceful
- A 24% increase in focus
- A 25%mprovement in listening ability
- A 30% improvement in sleep
- A 46% decrease in anxiety
- A 50% decrease in fatigue, and
- A 60% decrease in depression.
Of course, your individual improvements could be different, or even better!
F. What is the difference between what you are offering and what others offer?
I discovered that in order to resolve stress permanently, you need to deal with repairing your physiology AND releasing the underlying issues which cause your stress. So, this means that we implement tools and techniques that get to the part of the mind that runs your automatic programs such as: digestion. elimination, breathing, muscle movement and so on. When we can retrain this aspect of that part of your body/mind then you can retrain other parts as well. Only in this way will you be able to gain back control over how you respond to stress and to your overall success.
What I offer is permanent stress resolution as opposed to stress management. Permanent stress resolution is about you being able to self-regulate how you respond to stress such that stress will no longer be an issue for you. This does not mean that you will not be subjected to any stressful events. It means you will be able to “choose” whether or not you can be bothered responding to that event or not. Now that is real control when you have choice. Whereas, stress management means that you want to keep the stress you have and massage it and keep it hanging around you. Whereas, what I offer is helping you resolve it once and for all and getting rid of it permanently!
G. Is this a success course?
No. This is not a “success” course. It is a series coaching/training steps which include proven tools and techniques designed to give you lasting, permanent success at each level, so that overall, you will become the success you truly desire.
H. How are the steps delivered?
At present the first two steps are delivered as individual, personal sessions via Skype. The number of sessions for each step varies.
Eventually these two steps will be available in a downloadable format so that more people who need these services will be catered for, especially for the many and differing world time zones.
The last three steps will be delivered via a digital format within a private members group, with the opportunity to do individual personal sessions, if required. These last three steps can also be delivered via a seminar format.
I. Will I see results easily? How soon will I see results?
Yes. Definitely, within the first week. This will happen because you will receive
A Hand-Held Stress Monitoring Device which you will use to help you keep track of how stressed you are and it will also record your improvements as you do the practice required. One of the first benefits that people notice first is that their energy will have increased and they will be sleeping better.
J. Why are the first two steps of your model only offered at present?
The first two steps- REPAIR and RELEASE are crucial to increasing energy and mending your physiology and therefore these need to be delivered differently. It is also imperative that people complete the steps in order. The other three steps: RENEW, RECREATE and RECLAIM can be delivered in a seminar format or group training. When the time is right these will be offered publicly.